Product description:
Set includes: 25x LED, (white, yellow, blue, red and green), 1x RGB led, 10x ceramic capacitor (22 pf & 104 pf), 2x photoresistors, 1x thermistor, 5x rectifier diode (1N4007), 4x Electrolytic capacitor (10UF 50V & 100UF 50V), 10x NPN transistor (PN2222 & S8050), 1x tilt switch, 5x button (small), 1x 1 digit seven-segment display, 1x 4 digit seven-segment display, 1x sound sensor module, LCD1602 module (with pin header), 1x L293D integrated circuit, 74HC595 integrated circuit, 1x active buzzer, 1x passive buzzer, 1x RTC module, 1x DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, 2x potentiometer, 1x rotary encoder module, 1x joystick module, 1x keyboard module, 1x 5V relay, 1x IR receiver module, 1x MEGA2560 controller board, 1 x prototype shield board, 1x Servo motor (SG90), 1x stepper motor, 1x stepper motor driver board ULN2003, 1x prototype extension board, 1x power module (warning: do not use voltage higher than 9V), 1x HC-SR501 pir motion sensor, 1x ultrasonic sensor, 1x GY-521 module (with pin header), 1x 3V servo motor, 1x MAX7219 module, remote control pilot (battery not included), 1x 9V power supply, 1x jumper wire pack (65 wires), 1x water level sensor, 1x USB cable, 1x RC522 RFID module, 120x 10R/100R/220R/330R/1K/2K/5K1/10K/100K/1M resistors, 20x female-male Dupont jumper cord.
Weight: 1.10 Kg