Product description:
Set includes: 1x Double layer storage box (dim:. 23,4 x 16,8 x 6,2cm), 1x UNO R3, 1x 1.64ft USB cable (0.5m), 1x LCD1602 display module (can be soldered), 1x Servo motor SG90 (9 g, 180°), 1x 830 points breadboard (can be soldered), 1x ULN2003 Driver Board (green), 1x IR remote control pilot (battery not included), 1x 28BYJ-48 5v 4-stepper motor, 1x jumper wire pack (65 wires), DS3231 AT24C32 IIC Module (battery not included), 1x . MFRC-522 RC522 RFID + S50 + card + RFID keyring, 1x 4x4 Matrix, 1x keypad module (16 buttons), 1x joystick module for PS2 games, 1x 1-Channel 5V Relay Module, 1x sound sensor module, 1x DIP 3 Colour LED Module, 1x DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, 1x rainwater level sensor module, 1x 0,56”, red, 4 digit seven-segment LED display (12 pin), 1 x LED Matrix red 8x8 64 LED 3mm CA, 1 x 9 Volt Battery Adapter. 1 x 10Pin Dupont wire (male, female), 1 x CD guide, 1 x SMD 3-coloured LED modules, 1 x 170 points Mini Breadboard SYB-170 White, 1 x 3 in 1 resistor kit, 1 x LED pack
Weight: 0.70 Kg