Product description:
An educational kit for beginners or advanced users who would like to start their adventure with Arduino programming. Thanks to the rich set of components compatible with open-source Arduino software, you can combine fun with learning. There are 17 worksheets with lists of components and circuit diagrams for each project included in the kit. Additionally, everything is kept in an aesthetic and practical plastic box that makes it easy to transport.
Arduino Uno R3;
prototype breadboard 400 connection points;
prototyping shield;
30 male-male connector cables;
10 male-female connector cables;
motion sensor PIR HC-SR501;
ultrasonic distance sensor HC-SR04;
temperature sensor LM35;
battery cassette 6 x AA;
IR remote controller;
Fan motor 130;
9G micro servo;
4 x buttons;
3 x potentiometer 10K;
vibration sensor module;
infrared receiver;
light sensor;
8-segment LED display;
9 x 5mm LED;
1 x RGB LED;
resistors 20 x 220R, 4,7K, 10K, 1K;
17 worksheets;
plastic case;
age: 8+
Weight: 0.70 Kg