Product description:
Kit consisting of two boxes with lids. One of the boxes is divided into 10 pigeonholes. In 9 of them, there are 10 wires with different number and colour of beads symbolising the numbers from 1 to 9. One pigeonhole is empty – it represents 0. The other box contains 24 wires with 10 beads, the so-called golden tens. The kit teaches the multiplication in the range of 100, introduces the concepts of commutative and separable multiplication. Older students cab learn about the exponentiation (square numbers) with the help of this set. 114 pcs.; dim. of the boxes: 28 x 19 x 5cm/16 x 11 x 3 cm; material: wood, metal, plastic; age: 3+
Weight: 1.40 Kg